Monday, March 15, 2010

Freeman Feeling Beautiful Avocado & Oatmeal facial CLAY MASQUE

How much does it cost? $3.99
How long does it last? probably 10-20 masques in there.

Where to start...
The mask is a pale green, almost sea foam? I wasn't very fond of the smell, but I don't like avocados. It has the clean smell with an undertone of avocado. It feels creamy and smooth.

found this while trying to get more of my usual mask. I wrangled my sister into trying this new find with me because she happen to be over visiting that night. I did my usual ritual of washing my face then doing a vinegar and tea tree oil steam thing. I put my mask on first, as I applied it started to burn a little. I kept going, I know sometimes a mask will burn for a few seconds so I wanted to see if the burning would fade. I then applied my sister's mask, my face still burning. After a few seconds my sister claims her face is burning so I told her mine was burning to so maybe it's normal.

We kept the mask on a good 15mins until it dried. Our faces burned the whole time. My face even burned a little after I washed it off.

A week later it occurred to me that it might have burned because of the steam bath before the masque. I tried it again without a steam bath first. Unfortunately it still burned!

However, the product was not a total waste; after the burning stopped my skin felt clean and soft. I don't feel it kept away the zits like my usual masque, but it was still nice. If you don't have a problem with zits and you don't have sensitive skin, then this may be a good buy for you.

quality for price - 3.5/5 (assuming your skin is not sensitive!)
overall quality - 3/5

and just for fun, here is my sister, me, and one of my cats while trying the masque for the first time:

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